Some are pretty clear, others less so : some ads have very few in matter of visual, and their message is then impossible to understand. On the other hand, sometimes the brand name is in roman alphabet, which helps a bit. And then, some have visual clear enough to stand on their own without the text. (Well, it's kind of easy when the product in fruit juice and the only visual a giant packshot of the box surrounded by riotous grapes and mango).
A fourth category could be the visuals that gives enough elements to form an idea on what the ads is about, but without being obvious or clear cut.
So, this is the game : here are a few pictures of ads I took during my peregrinations in Bangkok. Can you guess what they are about?
And an extra one, which is so weird it hardly can be in the game as the visual elements are at odd with each other and the brand (this is for a condo building in Bangkok.) I'm told the copy is some kind of Thai pun with the word "guest" that also can mean "fish", but even then I quite sure the message conveyed doesn't make any sense. Points for originality thought, it sure breaks out from other, more classical, condo ads.
To the answers!.