Khun Lawan was kind enough to provide some extra informations on the ads and brands, and Khun Pascal passed the information along.
1/ The Revent ad with two slippers is for a condo close from both the BTS (skytrain) and the Airport link. That's why the two slippers coaches are different, and going from home to the stations is as easy as putting on slippers !
2/ The red jar of the second ad is full... of birdnests. Yes BIRDNESTS, which are a delicacy in Asia. The text explains that you have to give the best to your loved one, namely the brand's birdnests...
3/ And in the third ad, the fish on the carpet embodies bad smells that won't be a trouble in the advertized condo thanks to the clear separation between the kitchen and the other living rooms... Who would have guessed?