The assignment was to go to the the Wallace Collection (which is two streets away from our building), visit and take pictures, and then put together a foldaway booklet with four pictures linked to four words summarizing the museum as we saw it.
For those who don’t know the Wallace Collection, the place is crazy. Absolutely stuffed with baroque and rococo furniture, gold everywhere, sculptures, paintings, huge military rooms full of swords and armours…
I took a lot of picture of the patterns I could find, including the incredible wallpapers (it was different for each room). Another series I took was of juxtapositions between different objects, sculptures and paintings…
I finally decided to use this last selection of pictures to convey some of the feelings induced by the place, focalizing on single pieces and outlining how they reflect the whole collection :
Très très cool les photos et le parti que tu en tires. J'aime beaucoup.